Internationally Acclaimed Psychic,
Life Coach, and Certified Spiritual Healer
White Star

A session with White Star:
Readings: Medicine Wheel Readings: Visionary journey of your past, present and future, your totems and messages from them.
Akashic Record Readings: Your spiritual destiny, the meaning of your Life, your purpose, your Spirit Guides
Medium Readings: Messages from your loved ones on the other side.
Clairvoyant Readings:
The next steps of your Life Path including:
Romance and relationship issues, career potentials, health concerns, past-lives and karmic patterns, creative fulfillment, personality traits, family issues, messages and connection to your spirit guides, counseling and healing, spiritual guidance, future influences in all areas of life and all questions answered.
"I like to focus on five different things in my readings to help you find: Direction for your life's Purpose, Clarity of any confusing situations you are dealing with, Resolution of pain and suffering to allow Joy into your Life, Life Purpose and your Spiritual Destiny andRomance, Family and Love.
If I can help you to also find Peace and Joy, I will have considered it a job well done. I sincerely pray that all beings will receive Healing and Enlightenment and that we see World Peace in our lifetime. Please join me in this prayer. God and Goddess Bless"
To book a session with White Star - call, message, text, email - or
see Contact Page for more options!
Text, call: 617-697-8924 whats app: 1-617-6978924